Constitutional guarantees rights to entrepreneurial activity


  • Hlibko Serhiy PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Director of the Scientific and Research Institute of providing legal framework for the innovative development of NALS of Ukraine
  • Grechko Olga PhD in Law, Junior Researcher of the Scientific and Research Institute of providing legal framework for the innovative development of NALS of Ukraine



Problem setting. The article considers the category of freedom of entrepreneurial activity. The normative-legal and organizational-legal guarantees of entrepreneurial activity, enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine, are studied. Particular attention is paid to constitutional restrictions in the field of entrepreneurial activity.

Target of research is to study the constitutional guarantees of ensuring the right to entrepreneurial activity and to identify shortcomings in the mechanism of their implementation.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. The constitutional right to entrepreneurial activity and guarantees of its provision have been the subject of research by many scholars, in particular M.V. Vitruk, B.S. Ebzeev, M.I. Matuzov, M.P. Orzikh, M.I. Kozyubra, V.F. Pogorilka, P.M. Rabinovych, S.V. Riznyk, Yu. M. Todyky, O.O. Chub, V.M. Shapoval, V,S. Shcherbyna and others. Only some aspects of this issue were considered in the special literature, respectively, a comprehensive study of the constitutional guarantees of the right to entrepreneurial activity has not found its proper elaboration.

Article’s main body. The guarantees of the right to entrepreneurial activity provided for in the Constitution of Ukraine are sometimes declarative in nature. This is due to the fact that regulations, specifying the Constitution of Ukraine, contain some inconsistencies and gaps. With regard to the constitutional enshrinement of guarantees of the right to entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary to single out a block devoted to the economic sphere, which will create a systemic impact on the content of current legislation and the practical mechanism for implementing such guarantees.

Conclusion and prospects for the development. The issues of creating conditions for the proper conduct of economic activity by the state are inseparable from the understanding and legal support of the implementation of guarantees of entrepreneurship, which requires an effective legal mechanism for economic management and the creation of appropriate conditions for economic activity.


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