The Matter of Defining the Infrastructure of Particular Branches in Material Production Sector: the Legal Aspect


  • Hlibko S.V. PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Scientific and Research Institute of Providing Legal Fremework for the Innovative Development of National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine
  • Prodanova M.A. 4th year student of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Investigation and Criminalistics Institute



Problem setting. A particularly actual issue is to analyse the current state and determine the ways to further development of infrastructure of Ukrainian certain economic sectors in the aspect of defining the content and the essence of the state support to economic entities in Ukraine.
Analysis of recent researchers and publications. The development of the infrastructure of certain economic sectors is the subject matter of research undertaken by numerous scientists in the field of law and economics. However, nowadays the issue of infrastructure efficiency of small business in Ukraine is studied insufficiently and requires further investigations.
Target of research is the analysis of modern infrastructure development from the perspectives of economic development and satisfying the interests of business entities; the identification of conflicts in the legal framework in particular branches of material production sector and the determination of opportunities for further development in the sphere of state infrastructure and support infrastructure for economic entities in certain sectors of the economy.
Article’s main body. A powerful tool to promote an efficient development of business entities is the creation of the enabling environment by forming their support infrastructure - the organizational unity of economic entities and their competencies, through which a specific organizational and economic environment is formed in order to promote the entrepreneurial activity of large enterprises and to facilitate the adaptation of small business entities to market conditions.
The Law of Ukraine “On Government Aid for Business Entities” establishes one of the main regulatory legal act in the sphere of entrepreneurship state support, but this legal act does not operate the meaning of the term “infrastructure”, it does not contain a definition for the term “infrastructure”, it only stipulates that this Law of Ukraine cannot be applied to support: economic activity related to infrastructure investment with the use of public procurement procedures, as a result, this regulatory legal act introduces a controversial regulation into legislation.
Infrastructure in these manufacturing industries needs to be defined in the regulatory legal act, as an initial matter, in laws; it also needs significant changes and reforms, since its current state does not provide for effective procedures of implementation and development of both infrastructure entities and infrastructure facilities.
Conclusions and prospects for the development. Thus, to sum up the foregoing, it should be noted that the issue of infrastructure development in certain sectors of the economy is rather important since the lack of a conceptual framework and implementation mechanisms in the field of infrastructure, in particular, resulting in the inability to ensure adequate state funding


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