Legal Funds for Determining the Fields of Preparation For Students for Development of Enterprise in Ukraine
Problem setting. The difficult social and economic situation in Ukraine has shaken a certain stability, which was in the subjects of management. In order to prevent negative consequences and eliminate existing problems, public authorities have taken decisive action to resolve them. Determining the priority direction of student training for business development in Ukraine can ensure the sustainable development of the latter and improve the economic situation of the country as a whole.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. Issues related to the definition of the direction of state policy, the methods of stimulation and prospects of entrepreneurship development in Ukraine have always been the focus of attention of scientists. Among the researchers of this issue are: I. B. Shevchuk, Yu. A. Silkina, T. O. Melnyk, O. I. Hryvkivska, A. A. Sakhno, S. G. Draga, I. I. Korop, I. Yu Kuchumova, NA Malysh, I. O. Silkina, V. V. Khmurov, V. I. Zhuk, A. A. Batalov and others.
Target of research. Determination of conformity of students’ training for priority directions in the economy of Ukraine as one of the directions of implementation of innovation policy.
Article’s main body. The current complicated socio-economic situation in Ukraine has a significant impact on business entities. The legislator, for the development of entrepreneurship, is actively improving the legal regulation in the field of innovation. There is a clear link between the innovative development of entrepreneurship and the priority areas of student training in Ukraine. One of the ways to implement the state policy is to carry out an educational reform aimed at ensuring the qualitative training of the necessary specialists. The definition of the priority areas of student training in Ukraine is influenced by the reporting data of relevant services and methodologies developed by the European community.
Conclusions and prospects for the development. The state has chosen innovation development as the priority development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine. The legislator is active in the direction of innovation development, in particular, conducts a series of reforms and creates the necessary regulatory framework, among other things, is engaged in the development of the Strategy for innovation development. It should be noted that it would be advisable to use new approaches to defining the purpose and objectives of each of the new regulatory acts rather than returning to the old legislation. This is due to the fact that it is possible to achieve maximum efficiency only when the legislator keeps up with time and accentuates the current state of affairs. Students’ training in Ukraine is capable of implementing an innovative policy of the state, because highly qualified specialists are the key to the success of the country as a whole.
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