Place of Cryptocurrency in the System of Objects of Civil Laws


  • Kaplina V. A. 3rd year student of Personnel Training Institute for the Bodies of Justice of Ukraine the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University



Problem setting. Nowadays cryptocurrency is widespread around the world and is very popular among Internet users and programmers. Ukraine is not an exception. Although it is used in our country, there is no law which define the legal regime of cryptocurrency in Ukraine. The only regulatory act, which regulated the ways of use of cryptocurrency, was cancelled in 2014 and still we have only 3 projects of law, which are waiting for votes of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine.

Analysis of resent researches and publications. The following scientists were engaged in research of the specified question: Korchagin A. G., Majdanyk R. A., Melikov U. A., Nekit K. G., Skrypnyk V. L. and others.

Article’s main body. The differences between the peculiarities of physical and technical characteristics are analyzed and compared with the elements of the system of objects of civil laws, such as things, money and securities, actions (results of works, services), results of intellectual, creative activity of a person, information.

Author also considers court decisions, which concern cryptocurrency and are very interesting for our practical workers and legislator, because some of the decisions contain leading positions about legal regime of cryptocurrencies in Ukraine and which partially contradict Ukrainian laws.

Nowadays nearly 40 countries of the world regulate the legal regime of cryptocurrency, among which Australia, Argentina, Belarus, Germany, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Japan etc.

Conclusions and prospects for the development. Today cryptocurrency is a specific object of civil laws, which has integrated nature, because it combines the signs of different objects of civil laws, which are mentioned in art. 177 of the Civil Code


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