Powers of Local Authorities in Austria


  • M. A. Kashchyshyn post-graduate student of the 3rd year of teaching the Chair of Constitutional Law and Human Rights of the National Academy of Internal Affairs




The article is devoted to the issue of legislative consolidation of the powers of local self-government bodies in Austria.
Problem setting. The analysis of the basic systems of local self-government is based not only on the combination of theoretical and practical elements, but also on the combination of different variants of interaction of both state and social elements.
Target of research. Based on foreign experience of local government activities, the general so-called mixed model of local self-government is considered in conjunction with direct state control. A comparison of Ukrainian experience of local self-government and Austrian experience is also presented.
Analysis of resent researches and publications. The study examines the powers of local self-government bodies in Ukraine and Austria on the basis of Averyanova, Vasiliev, Mikhail Voronov, G. Zadorozhna, B. Kalinowski, A. Kolodiy, Vladimir Kravchenko, T. Ivanov, and Selivanova, I. Sopilka, V. Pogorilka, P. Pokataeva, O. Fedorenko, O. Frytsky and others.
The article is devoted to the problems of the organization of local self-government in Austria.
Article’s main body. In accordance with the structure of the powers of local self-government bodies, own (selfgoverning) powers are allocated, the execution of which is related to the solution of issues of local importance; and delegated powers (separate powers of bodies of executive power, provided by law to bodies of local self-government), the execution of which is connected with the execution of functions of executive power on the ground. The article describes the mechanisms of organization of local self-government in Austria and propositions on the borrowing of positive foreign experience for Ukraine.
Conclusions and prospects for the development. It is established that Austria and Ukraine, like most other European countries, belong to the Roman-Germanic legal system and must borrow useful legislative experience from their European neighbors.


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