Development of Online Administrative Services: Review of Implementation at the State Level


  • Kokhan V. P. PhD, Senior Researcher of the Research Institute of Providing Legal Framework for the Innovative Development of National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine
  • Egorova-Lutcenko T. P. PhD, Junior Researcher of the Research Institute of Providing Legal Framework for the Innovative Development of National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine



Problem setting. Since 2001, the United Nations has been exploring the state of the world’s e-government development, including the provision of electronic services, by studying the achievements of 193 UN member states in the development of this area. Thanks to this international study, it is possible to determine the dynamics of e-government development in Ukraine.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. Issues of implementation and granting of administrative services were investigated by Mikhailuk Ya.B., Klymenko I.V, Chukut S.A., Matviychuk R.M, Kandzhyuba S.P. and other scientists.
Target of research. The purpose of the article is to investigate the state of implementation of electronic administrative services in Ukraine, to review the electronic services provided at the state level.
Article’s main body. In Ukraine, from 2016 to 2020 the Concept for the development of the electronic services system has been implementing, which provides a list of priority services that implemented in electronic form and it is established that these services should correspond to the third, fourth stage of development.
The provision of administrative services in electronic form and the access of subjects of treatment to information on administrative services using the Internet are provided through the Unified State Administration Services Portal, which is the official source of information about the provision of administrative services in Ukraine, including through its integrated information systems state bodies and bodies of local self-government.
However, there are services that can be ordered online, but their results can only be obtained in person on paper. And there are services that can be ordered only at the Center for the provision of administrative services or directly at the subject providing the relevant services.
The condition for obtaining the results of services in an online format, in addition to the mandatory registration in the corresponding portal electronic services, is the presence of the subject of treatment of the instrument, which confirms the electronic identification of an individual or legal entity. Basically, such an instrument is an electronic digital signature. Some state-owned electronic services have implemented the possibility of alternative authentication methods using Privatbank or the National Bank of Ukraine Bank ID, Mobile ID KS, via Email and password.
Conclusions and prospects for the development. The approaches to the implementation of electronic services, enshrined in the Concept of the development of electronic services in Ukraine, are in line with the international approaches developed by the UN experts in the field of state electronic services. State policy of electronic services is characterized by inconsistency in the definition of its basic principles, including the number of administrative services subject is to be transformed to electronic form by 2020, and the timing of such of computers.
The Unified State Administration Services Portal created in Ukraine is a centralized resource that integrates the online services of state authorities to provide public services in a single information space. It is essentially an integrated office of electronic services introduced in the country and works by a reference to a Web portal of proper state body.


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