Legal regulation of legal relations in the field of land accounting


  • Kondratenko D. Yu. Postgraduate student of the Department of Land and Agrarian Law of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University



Problem setting. The article analyzes the issue of legal relations in the field of land accounting. The legal nature of public relations in this area has been clarified. The accounting of the quantity and quality of land is investigated. The author’s definition of legal relations in the field of land accounting is provided. The circle of subjects of these legal relations is outlined.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. To date, in the scientific literature there is no comprehensive study of the legal regulation of legal relations in the field of land accounting. There are only developments devoted to certain issues of land law science.

Target of research. The study of the legal regulation of legal relations arising in the field of land accounting, the allocation of subjects of these legal relations.

Article’s main body Justification of the appropriateness of obtaining, systematizing all the resources available on the land plot, determining the size, quality status and distribution of the land fund, providing the necessary data about the land, studying the legal relations arising on this occasion.

The basis of the land registration and registration system in Ukraine is the State Land Cadastre. It reflects the subjective information on land, which accumulates as a result of land accounting. Such information is necessary primarily for the implementation of state control over the use, reproduction and protection of land. Only a legally regulated and wellmaintained process of conducting accounting and registration activities in the field of land relations can become the key to the introduction and functioning of a transparent mechanism for the circulation of land in market conditions and an effective mechanism for managing them. In this aspect, it is important to note that it is necessary to distinguish land accounting in the proper sense and land rights accounting (as a broader category compared to the first). In the context of the land registration reform and the further process of improving the State Land Cadastre, it is necessary to talk about the formation of land information relations.

Conclusions and prospects for the development. Land accounting relationships are public relations that arise in connection with the activities of public authorities and local governments, which are endowed with appropriate powers to take measures to obtain, systematize and analyze information on the quantity, territorial location and use of land.

The subjects of these legal relationships are landowners and land users, the state, state authorities and local selfgovernments, who are vested with the respective powers.


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