Place of transfer pricing in the tax system


  • Kotenko Artem PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Financial Law of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Senior Researcher of the Scientific and Research Institute of Providing Legal Framework for the Innovative Development of NALS of Ukraine
  • Mishyn Mykola Assistant researcher of the Scientific and Research Institute of Providing Legal Framework for the Innovative Development of NALS of Ukraine



Problem setting. The approach proposed by the legislator to the definition of the tax system as a set of national and local taxes and fees in the procedure established by the TC of Ukraine, constitutes the tax system of Ukraine (para. 6.3 of Article 6 of the TC of Ukraine), raises the question of the place of transfer pricing in the tax system. If you approach the tax system as a set of taxes and fees, the transfer pricing is actually excluded from the tax system.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. Among the scientists involved in the research of the tax system, it is possible to distinguish M. Kucheryavenko, D. Getmantsev, N. Pryshva, O. Barin and others. Some problems of legal regulation of transfer pricing were dealt with by M. Mishin, M. Bondarenko, K. Broyakov and others.

The target of the research is to analyze and determine the place of transfer pricing in the tax system.

Article’s main body. The article is devoted to determining the place of transfer pricing in the tax system. We propose our own view on the tax system. It is stated that a broad approach to understanding the tax system excludes contradictions laid down in para. 6.3 of Article 6 of the TC of Ukraine.

Conclusions and prospects for the development. Transfer pricing involves the application of special methods for determining the compliance of the conditions of the controlled transaction with a certain criterion – the “arm’s length” principle, drawing up and submitting reports, exercising control and bringing to responsibility for violation of transfer pricing requirements. The legislative approach to the content of the tax system as an aggregate of taxes and fees actually excludes transfer pricing from the tax system. Instead, our proposed broad approach eliminates such contradiction.


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How to Cite

Котенко А.М., & Мішин М.О. (2022). Place of transfer pricing in the tax system. Law and Innovation Society, (2 (17), 125–132.


