Actual issues of improvement of the legal status of demonstration farms as subjects of agribusiness in Ukraine
Problem setting. It has been known that the use of advanced technological knowledge for running agriculture is to be one of the most effective factors to ensure the growth of agricultural production. To succeed, agribusiness entities must have legal access to the latest achievements in Economics, Management, Technology, Marketing, Accounting, Taxes, Law, Ecology, etc. Therefore, demonstration farms, as areas where modern achievements in agriculture have been displayed, play a significant role in the spread of innovative technologies and practices in agriculture. Nevertheless, the legal framework for demonstration farms activity has not been introduced in Ukraine.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. The information base of the current research is not only extended to the current legislation of Ukraine, but also it includes the latest studies of scholars and scientists in the field of Agriculture and Agrarian Law.
Target of research is to provide academic research underlying the issue of introduction legal provisions on legal statutes of the demonstration farm into the framework of agrarian legislation on legal statues of agribusiness subjects.
Article’s main body. At present, the best international experience of managing demonstration farms as new subjects of agribusiness, which disseminate the innovative experience of agricultural management among other farms, is becoming more and more essential to introduce into the production of agriculture in Ukraine. However, in our country, there is no proper legal framework for the establishment and operation of demonstration farms, which complicates their activities.
In this regard, the analysis of the world’s experience in the operation of demonstration farms as a form of application of innovative technologies in agricultural production by agribusiness entities was made. The most relevant issues of the domestic practice of demonstration farms were considered. Further recommendations to enhance the legal status of demonstration farms as special subjects of agribusiness in Ukraine were given.
Conclusions and prospects for the development. The article substantiates the feasibility of adopting a law on demonstration farms, which would determine the legal status of such farms, and formulates proposals for the content of the main provisions of the legal status of demonstration farms, which should be enshrined in the proposed law.
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