Constitutional right to pay – one of the most important socio-economic human rights
Problem setting. Remuneration is the main source through which the employee meets both their primary needs and the needs of a higher level. At a time when, on the one hand, the problem of meeting material needs is exacerbated, and on the other – the transition to market relations and building a socially oriented market economy in Ukraine requires a broader outlook and highly skilled workers, wages, its level, timeliness payments are brought to the fore by life itself. Remuneration is one of the guarantees of the realization of the constitutional right to work, and, consequently, one of the most essential rights of workers.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. The issue of wages was the subject of research by such scientists as V.M. Bozhko, N.B. Bolotin, V.M. Weger, Y.M. Veres, O.V. Gaeva, N.D. Hetmantseva, S.Yu. Golovina, O.O. Ershova, M.I. Kuchma, L.I. Lazor, R.Z. Livshits, M.V. Lushnikova, A.Yu. Pasherstnik, O.I. Protsevsky, V.O. Radionova- Vodyanytska, N.M. Salikova, N.M. Khutoryan, E.B. Khokhlov, G.I. Chanisheva, O.M. Yaroshenko, and others.
Target of research to consider remuneration as one of the guarantees of realization of the constitutional right to work.
Article’s main body. The constitutional right to remuneration, as well as the right to work, is the most important socio-economic right of a person and a citizen, guaranteed by the Constitution of Ukraine, international legal acts and laws of Ukraine, which allows everyone to receive fair remuneration for their work. Despite the fact that the right to remuneration is constitutional, there are still many cases when this right is not respected and citizens are forced to apply to the authorities for protection, including non-payment or improper payment of wages.
Conclusions and prospects for the development. The right to remuneration is characterized by the following features that determine its place in the system of constitutional human and civil rights enshrined in the Basic Law of Ukraine: a) is one of the fundamental human rights established by the Constitution of Ukraine, international legal acts and laws of Ukraine and recognized by most states the world; b) has economic and social components. The economic component is that a person can provide for himself and his family by means of subsistence. The social component is due to the fact that the state through a system of guarantees provides social assistance to workers and their families; c) is determined and guaranteed by the state through a system of legal guarantees; d) international normative legal acts, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966, the European Social Charter (revised) of 1996, and conventions play an important role in the realization of the right to remuneration. International Labor Organization, etc.; e) is guaranteed not only for citizens of Ukraine, but also for foreigners and stateless persons who are on the territory of our state on legal grounds.
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