Borders of Centralized and Local Regulation of Payment of the Work of Scientific and Pedagogical Workers


  • Momot E. O. PhD Candidate of Scientific and Research Institute of Providing Legal Framework for the Innovative Development National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine



Problem setting. The national strategy for the development of education in Ukraine for the period up to 2021, approved by the decree of the President of Ukraine dated 25.06.2013 No 344/2013, defined the goal, strategic directions and tasks, the implementation of which is impossible without adjustment according to this document of the state policy in the field of labor, in particular the remuneration of scientific and pedagogical workers of higher education. The legal aspect of solving problems related to the remuneration of scientific and pedagogical workers, and today remains one of the most complex and relevant, since most of the research was carried out in Soviet times, when the relevant rules of remuneration were acted.
Target of research. The aim of the study is to identify the boundaries of centralized and local regulation of remuneration of scientific and pedagogical workers, the establishment of their conditions, the development of proposals to improve the legal mechanism for ensuring productive employment and social protection of workers in this area.
Article’s main body. The article examines the features of remuneration of scientific and pedagogical workers, establishing the boundaries of centralized and local regulation, analyzes the work of domestic and foreign scientists in this field. Specifics of remuneration of scientific and pedagogical workers depends on such factors as position, qualification, availability of academic degree and academic rank, experience of scientific and pedagogical work. At the same time, the lack of clear criteria in the costs and evaluation of the work of teachers of higher education does not allow them to set wages, which directly depend on its quantity and quality.
Conclusions and prospects for the development. On the basis of the above it can be concluded that at present the remuneration of scientific and pedagogical workers is established in most institutions of higher education without taking into account the cost of working time of scientific and pedagogical workers, their workload, the actual performance of their duties. That is why there is an imbalance in the remuneration of this category of workers, which leads to a deterioration in the quality of their work, including the training of graduate students and applicants, the publication of textbooks and monographs. This wage imbalance could be remedied by the use of incentives, for example, through the payment of a bonus. At the same time, the analysis of local normative legal acts relating to remuneration of labor indicates that the establishment of surcharges and allowances in various institutions of higher education does not solve the problem of fair assessment of teachers ‘ work. In this regard, there is a need not only at the level of universities, but also at the level of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine to develop recommendations that will determine the basic principles of local regulation of remuneration of scientific and pedagogical workers.


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