Limits of exercising the rights to leasing out property by public institutions of higher education


  • Moroz M. PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law № 2, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University



Problem setting. Leasing out property that is involved in educational, academic, training and production, scientific activities by the public institutions of higher education often leads to violation of the rights of other participants in educational activities. They are sure to be a result of violating the limits, established by the current legislation, of exercising the rights to leasing out property by the public institutions of higher educational.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. The issues of state property lease have been studied by many scholars. Basic research in this area has been conducted by I. Spasibo-Fatieieva, O. Lipetsker, Ye.Kazarenko, V. Steshenko, M. Pronina, S. Puhinsky, T. Potapenkova, Yu.Basin, D. levenson, N. Khashchivska, N. Milovska and other scientists.

Target of research. The aim of the paper is a comprehensive study and analysis of the limits of exercising the rights by the public institutions of higher education to leasing out their own property. To achieve this goal the following tasks should be solved: 1) to define the limits of exercising the rights by the public institutions of higher education to leasing out their own property; 2) to determine the legal consequences of concluding lease agreements by the public higher educational institutions in violation of current legislation.

Article’s main body. The article conducts a general study and analysis of the right of the public institutions of higher education to lease property. The author emphasizes that public higher educational institutions have the right to lease out only real estate and other individually identified property. The legal consequences of concluding lease agreements by public higher educational institutions in violation of the current legislation have been studied.

Conclusions and prospects for the development. Summarizing the results of the study we can formulate the following conclusions. The public institutions of higher education have the right to lease out real estate and other individually determined property in the manner prescribed by law and subject to statutory restrictions (without the right of redemption and sublease, when it does not worsen the social and living conditions of persons studying or working in the educational institution). While leasing the property, the public higher educational institution realizes primarily their own property interests, at the same time, indirectly realizing the property interests of the state. If the lease agreement of real estate and other individually determined property of higher educational institutions is recognized as invalid, it may be recognized as invalid only for the future.


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