Stages of the formation of the Islamic concept of international law in the medieval and modern time


  • Okladnaya Marina PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate professor, Associate professor at the Department of Theory of the State and Law of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
  • Hurenko Olena 1st year student, International Law Faculty of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University


Problem setting. Islamic international law is a set of Islamic norms and customs that govern the relationship of Muslim States and Muslims with non-Muslim States, as well as with Muslim individuals within and outside the world of Islam. Islam has come a long and difficult way from the emergence of religion in modern ideology. It is considered one of the leading religions of the world and has a significant influence on a large number of people and states, so it is advisable to study one of the outstanding stages of the formation of the Islamic system in the field of international law, namely the Middle Ages and find out its connection with modernity.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. The Islamic science of international law is in the process of development, during which its representatives try to combine the traditional values of Islam with the basic principles of modern international law. Among the scientists who made a significant contribution to the study of the Islamic concept of international law, its historical development and the modern situation, one can distinguish such as A. Butkevich, L. Sukiyainen, Al-Shaybani, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan, V. Knapp, M. Sana, Sardar Ali S., Hilmli M. Zavati, A. Merezhko, B. Feldman and others.

Target of research. Study of the Islamic concept of international law, analysis and comparison of content, significance of Islamic international law in the Middle Ages and modern times.

Article’s main body. The article is devoted to the main stages of the formation of one of the most important systems of international law – Islamic, which is a collection of unique traditional values, legal norms and customs of Islam. The stages of development in the Middle Ages and the connection with modernity were investigated, the main features in the Middle Ages were determined.

Conclusions and prospects for the development. Islamic international law is a set of Islamic norms and customs that govern the relationship of Muslim States and Muslims with non-Muslim States, as well as with Muslim individuals within and outside the world of Islam. Islam has come a long and difficult way from the emergence of religion in modern ideology. It is considered one of the leading religions of the world and has a significant influence on a large number of people and states, so it is advisable to study one of the outstanding stages of the formation of the Islamic system in the field of international law, namely the Middle Ages and find out its connection with modernity.


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