Kharkiv school of international law. Establishment and traditions


  • Okladna Marina PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate professor, Associate professor at the Department of European Union Law, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
  • Uvarova Mariia 1st year student, International Law Faculty, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University



Problem setting. Without knowledge of previous achievements, scientific achievements and conclusions of international scientists, it would be impossible to master the modern realities of the science of international law. Forgetting the names of researchers and their ideas on the ideological principle, which we encountered in Soviet times, caused great damage to domestic science. The process of restoring historical justice is gradually underway, and the works of past centuries are returning to scientific circulation. This also applies to the history of domestic science of international law.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. The problem of formation and development of schools of Ukrainian international law was studied by scientists N. Ulyanov, Y. Baskin, D. Feldman, V. Semenov, K. Savchuk, A. Dmitriev, U. Butler. Fundamental research in the area of Kharkiv school of international law was conducted by V.A. Yastrzhembsky, M.P. Chubinsky, D.I. Bagatiy, O. V. Butkevich, M. V. Buromensky, O. V. Tarasov.

Target of research. To analyze the history of formation and development of the Kharkiv School of International Law, to study the activities of its representatives and process their scientific works, to generalize and systematize the knowledge about the science of international law as one of the most important branches of law taught in Ukrainian universities during XIX-early XX centuries.

Article’s main body. In the article, the author analyzes certain periods of the existence of the Kharkiv School of International Law, examines in detail both the Faculty of Law as a whole and the Department of International Law. It is also shown how the Department of International Law developed, what positions existed, who were the first teachers of the department, what were their main works on the topic of international law. Also the article provides a comprehensive study about the activities and merits of the main representatives of the Kharkiv school of international law, their main scientific works were briefly described.

Conclusions. The science of international law began to develop in Ukrainian universities in the first half of the 19th century. In Kharkiv, the Faculty of Law and the Department of International Law were first formed at the Kharkiv National University of V. N. Karazin. Representatives of the Kharkiv School of International Law made a contribution to the development of the doctrine of international law in Ukraine, especially V.P. Danevsky, D.I. Kachenovskogo, T.F. Stepanova, V.A. Yastrzhembsky, who broke up the original and advanced ideas for the master of international law and laid the foundation for the modern legal science.


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