General Principles of the Fight Against Corruption in Ukraine


  • Pashkovsky V. V. Postgraduate Student, Department of Administrative Law, Kyiv University of Market Relations



Problem setting. The article is devoted to the issue of general principles of combating corruption in Ukraine. The analysis of available scientific publications showed the need to study this issue, as the result of the change in legislation and the presence of new anti-corruption bodies in Ukraine is an actual subject of the study.
Target of research. The article deals with the current state of corruption in Ukraine and the disadvantages of general anti-corruption principles in accordance with the current legislation. The article describes the mechanisms of using the general principles for combating corruption in both local and general cases.
Analysis of resent researches and publications. The following scientists worked on the issue of general principles of combating corruption in Ukraine: Andryko O. F., Bandurka .О. M., Bashtannik VV, Bagrie-Shakhmatov LV, BezdolnyM., Vasilynchuk V. I., Dudorov O. O., Kalman O. G., Kozhevnikov O. A., Kulakovsky R., Litvinenko VI I., Luk’yanets D. M., Melnyk M. I., Mikhaleva G. V., Nevmerzhitsky E. V., Onyshchuk O. O., Pogoretsky MA, Pelishenko V. O., Tatius V. Ya., Khmara O., Khavronyuk M. I., Yafonkin A. O. and others like that.
Corruption is a socio-political phenomenon, the main characteristic of which is the use of legislative, executive and judicial authorities by relevant officials, the use of public formations, institutions, enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership of their official position to obtain unlawful benefits for themselves or someone.
The article deals with the following forms of corruption: bribery, theft, extortion, nepotism, abuse of office and lobbying.
Article’s main body. In our opinion, anti-corruption reform is, first of all, a significant reduction in corruption in Ukraine, a reduction in the state budget losses due to the contraction of smuggling, theft, etc., an increase of the interstate position of Ukraine in the ranking of countries, which is the ranking of corruption in one or another state.
Conclusions and prospects for the development. We proposed, on the basis of the results of consideration of this problematic issue, in the scientific article, to increase at the legislative level the requirements to employees of anti-corruption bodies, to change the hierarchy of anti-corruption activities and to increase at the legislative level responsibility for corrupt activity.


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