Current state of administrative legal relations in the field of execution of the state defense order


  • Vladyslav Povydysh PhD in Law, applicant for the degree of Full PhD at the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activities of Yaroslav Mudriy National Law University



Problem setting. The article states that the state defense order is a kind of means of meeting the needs of defense and national security. Administrative and legal support of the state defense order is a kind of tool for regulating relations n the field of defense to develop a regulatory framework to protect the interests of the state. The Ministry of Strategic Industries has recently been established to shape and implement state industry and military policy. Cooperation between Ukraine and the North Atlantic Alliance in the field of defense is also very important.

The target of research is to study and analyze the current state of administrative legal relations of executive bodies in the field of state defense order, to identify features of relations between participants in the state defense order, to determine the main principles of implementation, execution and control of state defense order.

Analysis of resent researches and publications. Many leading domestic and foreign scholars have devoted their research works to solving the complex problem of national security. In particular, these are such scientists as V. Bogdanovich, V. Govorukha, O. Goncharenko, A. Kaczynski, G. Kostenko, D. Kuchma, M. Lytvyn, O. Litvinenko, V. Manilov, G. Perepelytsia, I. Rozputenko, E. Skakunov, A. Semenchenko etc.

Article`s main body. Under the auspices of the Commission, there are a few joint working groups working in specific areas, including fruitful cooperation in the field of defense and security and armaments reform. The regulatory framework is gradually being modernized and national legislation is being brought closer to world standards, including those of the European Union and NATO. With the enactment of the Law on Defense Procurement, the systemic work of public authorities was expected to be improved, but orders, procedures, regulations, etc., which should have detailed the procedures described in the Law, have not been worked out yet. As new procedures for defense procurement at the level of bylaws have not been developed, this may significantly complicate or even make it impossible to meet defense needs with the necessary goods and services. In addition, until recently, the largest supplier of the latest weapons and services for the repair of military equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine was the state concern Ukroboronprom. However, recently, as a result of manipulations, the form of management of the concern has led to numerous corruption risks. Due to such opaque and politically dependent construction, defense companies lost funds, means of production, production facilities and other property. Such changes are being implemented in order to bridge the technological gap between the states of the national defense industry sector and the world’s leading defense companies. Thus, corporate governance models are introduced in enterprises – in accordance with the standards of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which is projected to minimize corruption risks and political pressure.

Conclusions. It is planned to create joint projects, programs and enterprises with foreign partners, which will open new opportunities for enterprises of the defense-industrial complex of Ukraine. It is also planned to attract investments, including foreign ones, in order to modernize production and introduce innovations, etc. Branching and qualitative clarification of the regulatory framework are the main tasks today for the legislature and the executive in the field of public defense procurement.


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How to Cite

Povydysh В. . (2022). Current state of administrative legal relations in the field of execution of the state defense order. Law and Innovation Society, (2 (17), 197–206.


