Some current issues of classification of legal guarantees in labor law


  • Pyzhova M. О. PhD in law, Associate professor of the Department of Legal Sciences of the Institute of Management and Law of Yaroslav Mudryy National Law University



Problem setting. Today, Ukraine is going through times of change in the whole society. In view of this, the issue of legalguarantees and their implementation is extremely important, because they are the legal means that should ensure the unimpededrealization of the whole set of his rights, including labor rights. Article 43 of the Constitution proclaims the right of everyoneto work and a number of other rights related to labor relations. At the same time, if a system of legal guarantees for the realizationof labor rights is not developed, the proclaimed rights can be described as declarative.Describing the guarantees provided by labor law, we say that they provide a transition to the actual implementation of theopportunities enshrined in law, that is, they are needed for the exercise of rights and freedoms, and for responsibilities. It seemsthat the realization of rights, freedoms and responsibilities, in fact, is only part of a more general problem – the application oflaw and the rule of law.

Analysis of recent research. The works of many labor scientists, in particular: N. Bobrova, M. Vitruk, D. Karpenko, T.Markina, P. Nedbayl, K. Urzhinsky, are devoted to the study of guarantees in labor law V. Skobelkin, O. Smirnov, N. Stolyar,L. Surovskaya, O. Yaroshenko and others.

Target of research is to consider and characterize the classification of legal guarantees in labor law.

Article’s main body. The article considers topical issues of classification of legal guarantees in labor law. The variousclassifications proposed by scientists are covered, their analysis is carried out. It is noted that there should be an awarenessof the purpose of establishing legal guarantees, first of all – to ensure the fullest exercise of the rights granted to employees.It is concluded that the system of legal guarantees of labor rights of the employee should be effective both quantitativelyand qualitatively. The number of legal guarantees must be sufficient, optimal, and the means, methods and conditionsthemselves must be real.

Conclusions and prospects for the development. Thus, there is no single generally accepted classification of legalguarantees in labor law. At the same time, the totality of all the above legal guarantees is an independent element of thecontent of the legal status of the employee. By their regulatory influence, they cover all stages of labor relations, affectcertain parties directly related to labor relations.


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