Information technologies as a guarantee of innovative development of advocacy


  • Rakytianska K. К. 4th year student of the Faculty of Law of V.N. Karazina Kharkiv National University



Problem setting. High technologies, being a characteristic feature of the modern world, determines the widespread introduction of innovative approaches and methods in various spheres of human life. The trend of digitalization has also influenced the legal services industry. Already today there is a high degree of influence of information technology on the choice of formats for the organization of work processes of lawyers, the choice of tools for professional activities and methods of providing legal services. Therefore, it is important to study the impact of information technology on the prospects for further development of advocacy, in order to ensure the effective functioning of the legal practice

Analysis of recent research and publications. Among the studies on the impact of information technology on legal activities should be noted the work of legal scholars such as O.V. Spivakovsky, M.I. Sherman, G.H. Yavorska, V.M. Stratonov, B.A. Zaplotynsky, G.S. Polishchuk, M.V. Protsenko, I. Zhilinkova and others. However, the growing influence of information technology on the provision of legal services causes the need of an additional comprehensive analysis.

The target of research in this article is to analyze the impact of information technology on the current state and prospects for further development of advocacy.

Conclusions and prospects for the development. Speaking about the prospects of advocacy, it should be noted that the hyperactive development of information technology over the past decade has led to the introduction of telecommunications, information resources and Internet services in all spheres of human life, and advocacy is no exception. Information technologies are often the key to the transition to a qualitatively new level of legal business, as their use provides the introduction of new technical tools and integrated approaches to meet the needs of clients in legal aid. As a result, it is concluded that the impact of information technology is crucial to the future development of advocacy. However, the traditional and conservative nature of advocacy is an obstacle to the innovative development of legal services. Besides, it is necessary to change the current information legislation, which will promote more active implementation of the latest approaches in the field of jurisprudence. Given the above, the main focus should be on overcoming these obstacles, in order to ensure the effective functioning of the legal practice in the future technological world.


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