Use of Information Technologies by the National Police of Ukraine.


  • Солнцева Х. В. PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activities of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University



Problem setting. The article deals with the information technologies used in the activities of the National Police of Ukraine, their types, classification, regulation and scope of use.

Target of research. The purpose of the study is the analysis of current legislation and practical activity of the National Police of Ukraine to investigate the use of information technologies by police authorities.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. The issue of the use of information technologies by law enforcement agencies is the subject of research by some scientists, in particular Kudinov V. A., Ignatushenko Y. I., Ishchenko V. A., Smaglyuk V. M., Tankushina T. Y., Shorokhova G. M. and others, and that is important for exploring the problems and prospects for development in this area.

Article’s main body. The National Police of Ukraine in their activities use information technologies in different ways, which has the appropriate egulatory support. The police fill and maintain up-to-date database (banks) of the data included in the unified information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The purpose of this system is to summarize information on the detection of criminal and administrative offenses, the search of suspects, accused persons, the search for missing persons, etc.

The integrated information retrieval system of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine is an important system used by the National Police and implemented in the ARMOR (Automated Operator’s Workplace) complex, which performs search, accounting, help and forecast functions. The ARMOR complex includes more than 20 subsystems.

Particular attention should be paid to such an automated system as TSUNAMI (centralized patrol management), the purpose of which is to improve the organization of the National Police force management activities in order to respond effectively to relevant reports of offenses.

Conclusions and prospects for the development. Information technologies are becoming increasingly important in the modern world, and there are almost no areas that are not covered by them. Therefore, it is logical that information technologies are widely used by various government agencies, including the National Police of Ukraine. Information technologies used by the National Police of Ukraine can be divided into two categories: 1) information technologies that improve the activities of the National Police of Ukraine; 2) information technologies that ensure the interaction of the population with the National Police of Ukraine. However, these categories have different regulatory status and scope of use. Therefore, in this context, it is important to strengthen the cooperation of the National Police with the population and to supplement the regulatory framework with provisions that would promote the use of information technologies that ensure the interaction of the population with the National Police of Ukraine. It is also important to introduce state-of-theart analysis programs that could anticipate possible offenses.


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