Some Issues on the Sources of Administrative and Legal Support of the National Police of Ukraine


  • Solntseva K. V. PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activities of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
  • Slyvna V. A. 2-year student, group 3, International Law Faculty of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University



Problem setting. The article deals with the main sources of administrative and legal support for the activities of the National Police of Ukraine and the regulatory framework of law enforcement agencies of some advanced countries of the world to study and apply the positive experience of foreign countries in Ukraine.

Target of research. The purpose of the study is the analysis of sources of administrative law applied in the activities of the National Police of Ukraine, as well as theoretical foundations, legislative acts of foreign countries for possible use in Ukraine.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. The following scientists analyze separate aspects of the question in their researches: O. Bandurka, S. Bratel, O. Kaliuk, V. Kulikova, A. Halai, M. Loshytskyi, O. Kaplya, O. Banchuk, O. Pronevych and others.

Article’s main body. The National Police of Ukraine are guided in its activities by the Constitution of Ukraine, international treaties of Ukraine, the consent to be bound by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, adopted in accordance with the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, as well as issued in accordance with them acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, other normative legal acts.

Particular attention is paid to the practice of the Ukrainian police in the international arena. An example is the accession of the state to the International Organization of Criminal Police (Interpol) in 1992, which was enshrined in the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 220 «On the National Central Bureau of Interpol» of March 25, 1993. This fact testifies to the fact that Ukraine actively interacts and studies the experience not only of the developed European community, but also goes to the world level of legal development.

The article also analyzes some sources of administrative and legal support for police activities in countries such as France, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Latvia, the United States of America. Taking into account the historical stages of development and the specifics of the legal system, in many advanced countries of the world, both strengths and weaknesses can be traced of the organization of the activities of the police authorities. Therefore, by borrowing this or that practice for domestic legislation, the police of Ukraine should take into account only the positive experience of such states and the specifics of the construction of the law-enforcement system.

Conclusions and prospects for the development. However, today there are a number of problematic issues in the current legislation of the domestic police, which still need to be resolved. To improve the national police structure, it is important to use the positive experience of the leading countries of the world, in particular, Europe, whose law-enforcement systems have gone through extensive historical experience and are effective in the present. Therefore, an alternative solution to the legal problems in organizing the activities of the Ukrainian police is to borrow practices in the relevant field of such countries and to intensify cooperation with international law enforcement agencies.


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