Simplification of access to systems of financing innovation enterprise


  • Vnukova N. M. Full PhD, Professor, Professor of the Department of Financial Services Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics



Problem setting. The development of innovative entrepreneurship is a strategic task of the state’s financial and economic policy. The high NBU discount rate and other risks slow the pace of this growth and limit the proper financial support for innovative entrepreneurship.

Analysis of resent researches and publications. The problems of financial support of entrepreneurship was devoted to the work of O.O. Drugov, R. Pukala, materials of the Round Table “Economic and legal problems of development and promotion of economic activity in modern conditions”, etc.

Target of research. To facilitate access to finance, global practice demonstrates the importance of applying national and regional programs related to either the direct financing of individual business projects or the creation of favorable conditions for attracting funding.

Article’s main body. Examples of world practice for introducing programs to facilitate access to innovation entrepreneurship was considered. According to the statistical reporting, the sources of financing of scientific development by sectors of economic activity was identified, the use of entrepreneurs’ funds is analyzed, the priority of Kharkiv region in implementation of programs of support of innovation implementation was established.

Conclusions and prospects for the development. The programmatic approach used to develop innovative entrepreneurship at the local level is an important component of these transformations, but needs to be expanded through funding, in particular through venture funds and other startup startups with international donors. The intrinsic features of small business entities require government support for innovation, which should be facilitated through access to funding from a variety of sources. When expanding the use of regional assistance programs, their methodology should be changed to enhance the capacity to develop innovative entrepreneurship.


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