Peculiarities of using digital diplomacy in a pandemic condition


  • Yefremova Kateryna PhD, Senior Researcher, Deputy Derector in charge of scientific work of the Scientific and Research Institute of Providing Legal Framework for the Innovative Development of NALS of Ukraine
  • Naumova Kseniia PhD, Assistant, Assistant Professor at the European Union Law Department of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
  • Mishanchuk Anastasiia 2nd year student of the Faculty of International Law of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University



Problem setting. Dynamics of international relations Alternative forms of communication and new types of transnational policy have a great influence on diplomacy. Diplomatic structures face unknown challenges, and must therefore adapt to modern conditions in order to continue their honorable mission. Thus, the priority task of diplomatic science is to determine the middle ground between traditional and innovative ways of communication. Innovative methods are understood as the use of digital technologies that have not bypassed any sphere of human life and have already become firmly established in the activities of diplomats. It is the inevitability and all-encompassing nature of digitalization that has given impetus to the development of digital diplomacy, an innovative means of communicating with society as a whole and between countries using the Internet, information and communication technologies (ICTs) and social networks to strengthen diplomatic relations. E-diplomacy is on the rise against the backdrop of the global COVID-19 pandemic. In the context of closed borders, next-generation diplomacy is perhaps the only way to maintain interethnic relations. In view of all the above, we must learn to use it, especially in such difficult times, and to do this we need to consider different approaches to digital diplomacy, find out its place in the world and answer the question: «Is digital diplomacy effective and will it ever be able to replace the traditional one?»

Analysis of recent researches and publications. In the current context of globalization, diplomacy is undergoing a significant transformation. Scientific concepts devoted to the concept of “digital diplomacy” attract the attention of many domestic and foreign scholars, including, in particular, V. Yu. Stepanov, K.G. Brychuk, D.N. Baryshnikov, M.G. Okladna, G. K. Musaeva, I. Shevel, I. Todorov, A. Veselovsky, D. Lewis, A. Fischer, E. Potter, D. Lewis and others. However, the impact of COVID-19 on international life and diplomatic relations at the research level has received little attention.

Target of research. To consider digital diplomacy as a form of public diplomacy, a tool of mass communication in public administration in the pre-pandemic period (2019), in its heyday (2020) and at the time of its development (2021). To draw the attention of scholars and practical diplomats to the phenomenon of digitalization and diplomacy of social networks.

Article’s main body. The opinion of domestic and foreign scientists on the concept of digital diplomacy is analyzed. Based on these opinions, the authors try to сonsider the definition of the term “digital diplomacy”, the history of the origin and spread of e-diplomacy tactics, advantages and disadvantages of this format of communication, contradictions in the interpretation of the post of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine with residence in Kyiv, work of the diplomatic corps in times of crisis.

Conclusions and prospects for the development. The authors conclude that all forms of e-diplomacy can be an additional effective means of communication both within the world politics system and externally in public relations, but they will never be able to fully replace the centuries-old tradition of diplomatic relations.


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How to Cite

Єфремова К.В., Наумова К.І., & Мішанчук А.В. (2022). Peculiarities of using digital diplomacy in a pandemic condition. Law and Innovation Society, (2 (17), 57–64.


