Digitalization of the social services system in Ukraine


  • Yehorova-Lutsenko T. Р. PhD, Senior Researcher of the Scientific and Research Institute of Providing Legal Framework for the Innovative Development of NALS of Ukraine



Problem setting. The rapid development of public relations determines the use of information technology in all spheres of life, including in the field of public administration. There is no doubt about the need to introduce elements of e-government into everyday life, as it improves the lives of ordinary citizens, increases trust in public authorities and local governments, reduces the time spent on businesses and individuals needed to receive services.

Analysis of recent research. The issue of providing digital social services was paid attention to by, V.P Kohan, M.M. Petrova, N.M. Terletska, D.I. Rusnak, V.L. Polar, V.V. Ripples. The formation of an appropriate mechanism for the digital provision of social administrative services in Ukraine remains unresolved.

Target of research. The article is to define the tasks for the formation of the administrative and legal mechanism and the use of digitalization in the provision of social administrative services.

Article’s main body. New online services are being introduced on the territory of Ukraine, which enable consumers to receive it remotely. In our opinion, in the future, these services should simplify the procedure for accessing them, given the subjects who are primarily interested in using them, and expand the scope of their provision: from informing the consumer to receiving the result. But these tasks can be accomplished only with the proper financial and material support of local governments, including the poorest financially united territorial communities. In addition, local governments should be required to retain technical specialists and consultants who will provide software and hardware for the provision of administrative social services and eliminate the inability of certain segments of the population to use high-tech digital services. These tasks should be attributed to those that require constant monitoring of their implementation and improvement of their mechanism. Features of the regime of social services are that: 1) their list is not defined by law, so it is more determined by the subjects – recipients of services; 2) socialization of services involves the organization of simplified access of citizens to administrative services; 3) the mechanism for providing accessible social services must ensure the protection of personal data of service recipients.

Conclusions and prospects for the development. The unification of types of social administrative services and mechanisms of their provision with similar services provided in the countries of the European Union may be key to Ukraine’s progress towards a single digital space with the European Union.


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