About the specifics of functioning and support at the regional level of innovative structures of the national innovation system in Ukraine


  • Zavadska A. T. Junior Researcher of Scientific and Research Institute of Providing Legal Framework for the Innovative Development of National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine




Problem setting . The modern intensive development of the national innovation system determines the expansion offorms of interaction both between the subjects of the national innovation system and with other participants in a widerange of legal relationships. In this respect, the importance of positive interaction at the regional level of local selfgovernmentbodies and actors of the innovation system.

Analysis of recent researches and publications . The issues of essence, formation, structure and legal regulation ofthe national innovation system and innovative structures were explored in their works as scientist-economists, such asN.M Bunyak, V.B Butorina, O.O Lyakhovets, E.V Kosovan, and legal scholars: Yu. E. Atamanova, S. V Hlibko,E. A Novikov, L. V Tsindenova, A. V. Strizhkov. Scientific researches on development of innovative activity, forms ofinteraction of local authorities and subjects of national innovation system were carried out by S.V Glibko,I. Yu. Matyushenko, M.S Pasmore and other.

Target of research . The purpose of the study is to analyze theoretical and regulatory approaches to understandingthe term «national innovation system» and its content in Ukraine and the EU, to study the legal problems of the functioningof certain types of innovation structures in Ukraine, as well as to identify the most common and effective forms of suchinteraction at the regional level of local authorities self-government and subjects of the national innovation system.

Article’s main body . Innovative infrastructures primarily operate in the form of a limited liability company. This isdue to the presence of a number of advantages in the creation and activities of such legal entities.

Regarding regional support for innovation, the following should be noted. To date, there has been a distribution offunding for the design and implementation of activities aimed at discussing the innovative development of the territorialcommunity, and the creation and implementation of new innovative inventions and projects.

Conclusions and prospects for the development. Implementation of the legislation of Ukraine on development ofinnovations, as well as interaction between local self-government bodies and subjects of the national innovation systemare carried out mainly at the level of financing of individual projects, through tenders and grants. The analysis of KharkivCity Council acts shows that the prospect of innovation development in Kharkiv is high.


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