Newest factors in economic development and labor law reform problems


  • Zhernakov V. V. PhD, Professor, Professor of the Department of Labor Law of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University



Problem setting. The Cabinet of Ministers’ submission to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the draft Law “On Labor” caused significant changes not only in the mechanism of regulation of social and labor relations, but also in the subject and system of labor law. By this, the liberal model of the economy is extended to relations in the sphere of labor, and labor itself is unreasonably regarded as a procedure for engaging in work on the basis of individual employment contracts. However, some of the legal mechanisms proposed in the project contradict international labor standards.

Target of research. Based on the doctrine of the system of relations in the social-legal sphere and generally accepted legal codifications, it is necessary to research the mechanism of updating the labor legislation proposed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Object of research. Public relations in the sphere of labor and mechanism of systematization of labor legislation.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. Issues related to the reform of labor law, which has been going on for many years, have been researched by leading scholars in the field of labor law. Among them are: Amelicheva L.P., Burak V.Y., Zhigalkin P.I., Pylypenko P.D., Prylypko S.M., Simorot Z.K., Silchenko S.O., Simutina Ya. V., Khutoryan N.M., Chanisheva G.I., Yaroshenko O.M. and many other scientists. In their works the substantive moments of the development of labor legislation are analyzed, but they do not affect radical innovations in the legislative activity of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Article’s main body. The Cabinet of Ministers’ submission to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the bill (draft Law) “On Labor” (registration No. 2708 of 28.12.2019) introduces radical changes in the mechanism of regulation of social and labor relations. They require scientific reflection and the formation of approaches to solve the complex problems facing the labor law community. The article analyzes the processes and problems in the reform of the labor legislation. On the basis of researches of scientists-economists, lawyers of different specialties the author’s vision of the situation is formed; the most important problems that need to be solved at this stage of development of the social and labor sphere are singled out. The main shortcomings of the draft Law of Ukraine “On Labor” are indicated and the ways of their solution are overcome.

Conclusions and prospects for the development. To the common factors of economic development (globalization, European integration processes) that influence the formation of the legal mechanism of regulation of relations, formed in recent years in Ukraine, were added such realities as the spread of non-standard forms of employment, liberalization of economic processes. If new forms of employment are objective realities that require awareness and appropriate legal regulation, then the implementation of the liberal model in the economy as a whole and in the regulation of social and labor relations in particular is subjective. It can worsen the human rights situation in the social and labor sphere. The process of reforming labor law must be consistent with the systematic nature of legal regulation and professionalism in the preparation of regulations. The Government’s draft Labor Law cannot be recognized as being in accordance with the above requirements.


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