Location of Economic Rights in the Strategy of Providing Innovative Activities in Ukraine


  • Znamenskyi H. L. Leading researcher of Scientific and Research Institute of Providing Legal Framework for the Innovative Development of National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine, second PhD, professor, Corresponding member of National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology




Problem setting. In modern conditions in many countries of the world, the main strategy for economic and social development has become deeply conscious and officially defined. This is, first of all, the focus on innovation activities, namely: the production of high-tech and high-tech goods and services that would be able to integrate GDP and on this basis increase people’s welfare. Therefore, innovation has become the dominant factor for sustainable development, modernization and competitiveness of economic and social systems.
Analysis of resent researches and publications. Fundamentalists such as R. von Iering, B. Paton, F. Rittner, J. Schumpeter and others have devoted their research to the issues of innovative development and their role in providing innovation in the state.
Article’s main body. The article analyzes the historical stages of the development of innovative activity, in particular, the author thoroughly considered the theory of innovation development, which author is considered by J. Schumpeter. The next important step in the development of innovation is called the annual compilation by the World Intellectual Property Organization of the Cornell University and the International Business School “Insaid” of the Global International Innovation Index, which is part of a major study that considered both the commercial results of innovation in the countries and activity power structures to stimulate the encouragement and support of innovation in its public policy.
The article investigates the influence and role of economic law in innovative development, focusing on it’s leading place and central role in this process and determining the main directions of legal influence and the mentioned relations.
In particular, the author argues that the most significant impact on the development of innovation activity is potentially able to implement its state support, which is provided by the norms of economic law.
Conclusions and prospects for the development. Thus, state support to business, including in such a sphere as the development of innovation activity, if we proceed from the practice not only for the Ukrainian state, but also of many other countries, plays a significant role in economic life and not only during the world financial and economic crises. However, most sources on these issues have consistently emphasized that this support should be subject to certain limitations that are not detrimental to economic competition and should be subject to strict compliance procedures.


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