Double-Blind Peer Review Guidelines

 Law and Innovation Society journal conducts double-blind reviews to provide original and high-quality legal and economic research. Articles are published after receiving positive feedback from two reviewers appointed by the editors. The editorial board of the journal involve reviewrs - experts on the topic on which the submission is made, as well as involve external reviewers - experts in the propriate scientific field. Reviewers evaluate the article in terms of originality, adequacy of methods and relevance of analysis results and decide whether to accept the article unchanged, or only after adjusting the articles in accordance with the comments, or reject the submitted material. The review period is up to three weeks. 
     Once the favorable or unfavorable concept of the reviewers has been obtained the concept of the reviewers will be communicated to the authors who will have to attend the observations and suggestions for the publication of the article within the time indicated for it by the editorial team. If the article has received one negative response from the reviewer, the journal sends the article to a third reviewer for review. And if the article receives 2 negative reviews, the article is not accepted. The final decision is up to the editor or subject editor of the journal.
     If the document is rejected, the manuscript will be withdrawn and cannot be submitted to the journal again.