Particular Commercial Legal Measures of the Tourism Support in the EU


  • Tkach I. S.


problem setting. Europe is advanced in the tourism industry with a large and diverse number of tourist attractions. As a result, tourism has become a key sector of the European economy, creating more than 10 % of EU GDP (directly or indirectly) and using 9.7 million citizens in 1.8 million enterprises. Analysis of recent researches and publacations. A great demand for state support of tourism in the European Union and for effective programs to small and medium enterprises caused the rise of scientists and economists attention to this subject. In particular, we should note works by Alexeeva Y., Bedrak N., Ilyashenko A. H , Havryliuk A., Mykhaylichenko G., Biel M. and others. Many of them raised questions regarding to the actual measures of support in the tourism industry, but have poorly researched the mechanisms and ways of implementation of state-specific legal measures supporting tourist activities and implementing centralized programs for small and medium enterprises as well as areas and industries in the area of tourism development. Target of research.The aim of this article isTo study tools of supporting the tourism industry by financing entities providing travel services for the specially formed European funds and European programs. Article’s main body. As the third largest EU economic sector tourism being of theEU has really a great impact on economic growth, employment and social development. Its importance is acknowledged by the Treaty on the functioning of the EU, which requires the Union to support, complement and coordinate Member States’ action in this field (TFEU art. 135). Supporting funds are: the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund )ESF), the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), the European Maritime and Fishtries Fund (EМFF). Problems of imbalances of EU regions at European and national levels in tourism are solved by these European Structural investment funds ( ESIF). [] All these funds belong to the Cohesion Fund (Cohesion Fund), which aims at rapprochement of social and economic development indicators at the regional level the EU; financing of transport infrastructure and environmental, tourism projects etc. Conclusions of research. When considering the procedure and rules which supports tourism activities we should take into account the interests of local communities. There is a need of improvement of the Law of Ukraine «Local Government in Ukraine», art. 9 «Local Initiatives».


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